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The influence of media multitasking on the impulse to buy: A moderated mediation model


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This study explores whether and why media multitasking is related to the impulse to buy among young people. The results of an online survey of 993 college students supported the proposed moderated mediation model. For individuals with a higher impulse-buying tendency, media multitasking enhanced the buying impulse through the mediation of high perceived information utility. For individuals with a lower or moderate impulse-buying tendency, media multitasking enhanced the buying impulse through the mediation of high perceived information utility and social presence. The moderated mediation model extended the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) framework and demonstrated the moderating influence of an impulse-buying tendency. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究探讨了媒体多任务处理是否与为什么与年轻人购买冲动有关。对993名大学生的在线调查结果支持拟议的调解模型。对于具有较高冲动购买倾向的个人,媒体多任务处理通过高度感知的信息实用性的中介来增强购买冲动。对于具有较低或中等冲动购买倾向的个人,媒体多任务处理通过高度感知的信息效用和社会存在感的中介来增强购买冲动。适度调解模型扩展了刺激-有机体-反应(S-O-R)框架,并证明了冲动购买倾向的调节作用。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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