首页> 外文期刊>Computers in Human Behavior >Adolescent digital profiles: A process-based typology of highly engaged internet users

Adolescent digital profiles: A process-based typology of highly engaged internet users


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High online engagement is common among adolescents. Besides concerns, not all highly involved adolescents online develop maladaptive patterns of use. The focus of the present qualitative study was to explore the experiences of highly engaged adolescents with signs of internet addictive behaviors. We aimed to uncover the processes differentiating high online engagement, and formulate a typology of users. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with 72 adolescents (M-age = 15.7 years; SD = 0.6) living in Greece, Spain, Iceland and Poland. Interviews were analyzed using grounded theory. A typology of highly engaged adolescents emerged based on three processes: satisfying needs across contexts (online-offline), experiencing personal gains and losses and self-regulating use. Four distinct user profiles emerged, ranging from adaptive (juggling it All, Coming Full Cycle) to maladaptive (Stuck Online, Killing Boredom). The developed typology can help parents, teachers and professionals better understand the ways high engagement is experienced within a developmental context. Such knowledge can inform the development of prevention and supportive services. Implications for assessment and intervention are discussed for each profile. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:青少年的在线参与度很高。除了担忧之外,并非所有参与率高的青少年都会发展不良适应症。本定性研究的重点是探索具有网络成瘾行为迹象的高度敬业的青少年的经历。我们旨在发现区分在线参与度高的流程,并制定用户类型的方法。对居住在希腊,西班牙,冰岛和波兰的72名青少年(M-年龄= 15.7岁; SD = 0.6)进行了半结构化的个人访谈。访谈采用扎根理论进行分析。高度参与的青少年的类型基于以下三个过程出现:满足不同情境的需求(在线-离线),经历个人得失和自我调节使用。出现了四个截然不同的用户配置文件,从适应性(杂乱无章,即将到来的全周期)到适应不良(坚持在线,杀人乏味)。发达的类型学可以帮助父母,老师和专业人员更好地理解在发展背景下高参与度的经历。这些知识可以为预防和支持服务的发展提供信息。针对每个配置文件讨论了评估和干预的含义。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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