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Fishing for phishers. Improving Internet users' sensitivity to visual deception cues to prevent electronic fraud


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Phishing is a form of electronic fraud in which attackers attempt to steal sensitive information by posing as a legitimate entity. To maintain the attack unnoticed, phishers typically use fake sites that accurately mimic real ones. However, there are usually subtle visual discrepancies between these spoof sites and their legitimate counterparts that may help Internet users to identify their deceptive nature. Among all the potential visual cues, we choose to focus on typography, because it is often hard for phishers to use exactly the same font as in the original website. Thus, Experiment 1 assessed the effectiveness of visual discrimination training to help people detect typographical discrepancies between fake and legitimate websites. Results showed higher sensitivity to differences when undergraduate students were previously trained with easier versions of the discrimination task (i.e., involving more noticeable differences in typography) than when they were trained with the difficult target discrimination from the start (easy-to-hard effect). These results were replicated with a broader and more representative sample of anonymous Internet users in Experiment 2. Implications for the design of strategies to prevent electronic fraud are discussed. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:网络钓鱼是电子欺诈的一种形式,攻击者试图通过冒充合法实体来窃取敏感信息。为了使攻击不受注意,网络钓鱼者通常使用准确模仿真实站点的伪造站点。但是,这些欺骗站点与合法站点之间通常存在细微的视觉差异,可以帮助Internet用户识别其欺骗性质。在所有潜在的视觉提示中,我们选择重点放在字体上,因为网络钓鱼者通常很难使用与原始网站完全相同的字体。因此,实验1评估了视觉歧视训练的有效性,以帮助人们发现假冒和合法网站之间的印刷差异。结果表明,与以前从一开始就以难于区分目标的方式训练学生相比,以前接受过较容易版本的区分任务的学生(即,在版式上存在更大的差异)对差异的敏感性更高。 。在实验2中,这些结果被更广泛且更具代表性的匿名Internet用户样本所复制。讨论了防止电子欺诈策略设计的意义。 (C)2016作者。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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