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Tribox bounds for the three-dimensional objects


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A convex hull H(S) of a 3D set S is rarely used to accelerate interference detection or as a substitute for rendering small projection of S, because it typically has too many faces. An axis aligned bounding box B(S) is cheaper to display and more effective at detecting that two distant objects are clearly disjoint, but is a conservative approximation of S. We propose to use a tribox T(S) as a compromise. T(S) a tighter bound that B(S) and is cheaper to display and to test for interference than H(S). T(S) is the intersection of three bounding boxes formed in three different coordinate system, each obtained by rotating the global coordinate system by 45 deg around one of the principal axes. T(S) has at most 18 polygonal faces. We present an algorithm for computing the boundary of T(S), given its 18 parameters - the endpoints of the intervals containing the projection of the vertices of S onto 9 directions. Given the 18 projection bounds, our algorithm requires only 24 shifts and at most 112 additions. We also describe a simple technique for building a hierarchical multi-resolution representation, which approximates a 3D shape at different level of details by unions of triboxes.
机译:3D集S的凸包H(S)很少用于加速干扰检测,也很少用于渲染S的小投影,因为它通常具有太多的面孔。轴对齐的边界框B(S)显示起来更便宜,并且在检测两个远处的物体明显不相交时更有效,但是保守地近似于S。我们建议使用三框T(S)作为折衷方案。 T(S)的边界比B(S)更紧密,并且显示和测试干扰的费用比H(S)便宜。 T(S)是在三个不同坐标系中形成的三个边界框的交点,每个边界框都是通过将全局坐标系绕主轴之一旋转45度而获得的。 T(S)最多具有18个多边形面。给定它的18个参数,我们提出了一种计算T(S)边界的算法-区间的端点包含S的顶点在9个方向上的投影。给定18个投影边界,我们的算法仅需要24个平移和最多112个加法。我们还描述了一种用于构建分层的多分辨率表示的简单技术,该技术通过三框的并集在不同的细节级别上逼近3D形状。



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