首页> 外文期刊>Computers & Graphics >Intellignet interpretation of CADD drawings

Intellignet interpretation of CADD drawings


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This paper reports the design and implementation of a system for intelligent extraction of manufacturable features from `engineering drawings' created in CADD format using the techniques of string based syntactic pattern recognition and natural language processing. Drawing entities are processed to derive feature string patterns, which are syntactically analyzed to detect the feature topology and geometry. The information of the features so detected is augmented by non-geometric data like dimensions, position, tolerances and the relevant drawing callouts, and represented as a Part Model using object oriented design paradigm (OOD). The system is capable of detecting generic classes of features like holes, pockets, steps, slots, bosses, etc., on prismatic machined components. The informationally complete part model can be easily linked to the downline CAD/CAM activities in the product cycle. The system, thus, demonstrates the feasibility of design automation from CADD models.
机译:本文报告了使用基于字符串的句法模式识别和自然语言处理技术,从以CADD格式创建的“工程图”中智能提取可制造特征的系统的设计和实现。对图形实体进行处理以导出特征字符串模式,然后对其进行语法分析以检测特征拓扑和几何形状。这样检测到的特征信息会通过非几何数据(例如尺寸,位置,公差和相关的图纸标注)进行扩充,并使用面向对象的设计范例(OOD)表示为零件模型。该系统能够检测棱柱加工零件上的通用特征类别,例如孔,袋,台阶,槽,凸台等。信息完整的零件模型可以轻松链接到产品周期中的下线CAD / CAM活动。因此,该系统演示了从CADD模型进行设计自动化的可行性。



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