首页> 外文期刊>Computers and Geotechnics >A cohesive grain based model to simulate shear behaviour of rock joints with asperity damage in polycrystalline rock

A cohesive grain based model to simulate shear behaviour of rock joints with asperity damage in polycrystalline rock


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A cohesive grain based model is proposed to simulate the fracture behaviour of polycrystalline rocks. The model was employed to characterize the cracking response of both inter- and intra-grain contacts in the grain based model (GBM). The model was implemented in distinct element codes and its ability to mimic the mechanical and failure behaviour of polycrystalline rocks was demonstrated through calibration of several granitic rocks including Adelaide black granite, Eibenstock II granite, and Aue granite. The calibrated model of Aue granite was used to assess the effect of joint roughness coefficient (JRC) on asperity damage and shear mechanism of rock joints (i.e. grain crushing) under constant normal load (CNL) and constant normal stiffness (CNS) conditions. The bond-break in infra-grain contacts contributed to asperity damage in form of grain crushing. The numerical observations showed that under CNS condition asperity damage increased with increasing initial normal stress and JRC, and rough rock joints exhibited more dilative response.
机译:提出了一种基于粘性颗粒的模型来模拟多晶岩石的断裂行为。该模型用于表征基于晶粒的模型(GBM)中晶粒间和晶粒内接触的开裂响应。该模型以不同的元素代码实现,并且通过对包括阿德莱德黑花岗岩,Eibenstock II花岗岩和Aue花岗岩在内的数种花岗岩进行标定,证明了其模拟多晶岩石力学和破坏行为的能力。在恒定法向载荷(CNL)和恒定法向刚度(CNS)条件下,使用Aue花岗岩的校准模型来评估节理粗糙度系数(JRC)对岩石节理的粗糙损伤和剪切机理(即晶粒破碎)的影响。谷物下接触中的键断裂以谷物压碎的形式造成了粗糙破坏。数值观察表明,在中枢神经系统条件下,随着初始法向应力和JRC的增加,粗糙面破坏增加,而粗糙的岩石节理表现出更大的扩张响应。



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