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Re-embodying Online Composition: Ecologies of Writing in Unreal Time and Space


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Using the ecological theories of writing proposed by Marilyn Cooper's "The Ecology of Writing" (1986) and Margaret Syverson's The Wealth of Reality: An Ecology of Composition (1999), this article describes a multi-step assignment sequence designed to engage online first year composition students across the ecological breadth of their writing and learning environments. The goal of the project is twofold: enriching students' writing processes with a sophisticated understanding of the social situatedness of knowledge and rhetoric, we can simultaneously create high-functioning learning communities in an otherwise disembodied online learning space, not by upgrading our technological tools but by pedagogically guiding learners toward ecological and productively collaborative interactions with one another.
机译:利用玛丽莲·库珀(Marilyn Cooper)的“写作生态学”(The Ecology of Writing)(1986)和玛格丽特·西弗森(Margaret Syverson)的“现实财富:构图生态学”(1999)提出的生态写作理论,本文描述了一个多步骤的分配顺序,旨在让第一年上网在写作和学习环境的生态广度范围内组成学生。该项目的目标是双重的:通过对知识和言辞的社会地位的深刻理解来丰富学生的写作过程,我们可以同时在一个没有具体表现的在线学习空间中创建高功能的学习社区,而不是通过升级技术工具,而是通过教学法指导学习者彼此之间进行生态和生产合作。



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