首页> 外文期刊>Computers and Composition >Ruefman and Scheg, 2016 Applied Pedagogies: Strategies for Online Writing Instruction, Daniel Ruefman, Abigail G. Scheg (Eds.). Utah State University Press, Logan, UT (2016). 202 pp

Ruefman and Scheg, 2016 Applied Pedagogies: Strategies for Online Writing Instruction, Daniel Ruefman, Abigail G. Scheg (Eds.). Utah State University Press, Logan, UT (2016). 202 pp

机译:Ruefman and Scheg,2016年《应用教学法:在线写作教学策略》,Daniel Ruefman,Abigail G. Scheg(编辑)。犹他州立大学出版社,犹他州洛根(2016)。 202页

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Applied Pedagogies: Strategies for Online Writing Instruction is a collection of essays that explores the benefits and challenges of online writing instruction. With topics ranging from the need for more multimodality in online writing courses to the question of how and whether Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) may be effectively employed in writing instruction, Daniel Ruefman and Abigail G. Scheg's compilation covers a wide swath of current topics for online writing instructors. However, even more than the breadth of topics, the strength of Applied Pedagogies lies in its emphasis upon both instructors and administrators' practical application of the digital technologies and theories addressed throughout the collection's eleven essays. Like the still-influential Multimodal Composition: Resources for Teachers, edited by Cynthia Selfe (2007), Applied Pedagogies is both an overview of digital and multimodal learning resources and a call to instructors and administrators to consciously use those resources. Yet, the call to action presented by Applied Pedagogies is not identical to the one made approximately nine years earlier in Multimodal Composition, mainly in the sense that Applied Pedagogies begins with the expectation that instructors are already using online learning resources. This variation in emphasis likely reflects a larger shift in which online learning has become an expected component of writing instruction. Indeed, whereas Multimodal Composition begins with Pamela Takayoshi and Cynthia Selfe (2007) emphasizing how the shift from print-based to digital writing "promise[s] to be disruptive for many teachers of English composition," Applied Pedagogies begins with the assumption that such skills are expected (p. 1). In their introduction, Ruefman and Scheg outline the field's shift from viewing online teaching skills as a preference to viewing such skills as necessary components of a new normal in which "writing instructors and administrators adapt to the demands of the digital classroom or risk marginalization within the profession" (p. ⅶ). In this sense, Applied Pedagogies serves as a snapshot of the digital efforts and concerns of our field today, and its essays appeal most to instructors and administrators who already have some experience with online writing instruction, but who are seeking to expand their knowledge and use of digital learning resources.
机译:应用的教学法:在线写作教学策略是一系列论文,探讨了在线写作教学的好处和挑战。主题涉及从在线写作课程中需要更多形式的需求到如何以及是否可以有效地使用大规模开放式在线课程(MOOC)来进行写作教学的问题,Daniel Ruefman和Abigail G. Scheg的汇编涵盖了广泛的当前主题用于在线写作指导。但是,“应用教学法”的主题不仅在于主题的广度,还在于其着重于教师和管理者对数字技术和理论的实际应用,这些数字技术和理论贯穿于该系列的11篇论文中。就像仍然有影响力的《多模式组合:教师资源》(由Cynthia Selfe(2007)编辑)一样,《应用教学法》既是对数字和多模式学习资源的概述,也是对教师和管理人员有意识地使用这些资源的呼吁。然而,应用教学法提出的号召性用语与大约九年前在多模式组合中提出的呼吁并不完全相同,主要是因为应用教学法以对教师已经在使用在线学习资源的期望开始。重点的这种变化可能反映了在线学习已成为写作指导的预期组成部分的更大转变。的确,尽管多模式写作从帕梅拉·高吉和辛西娅·塞尔菲(2007)着手,着重强调了从印刷到数字写作的转变“对许多英语写作老师的承诺是破坏性的”,但应用教学法始于这样一个假设:预期的技能(第1页)。在介绍中,Ruefman和Scheg概述了该领域的转变,即从将在线教学技能作为一种偏爱,转向将这些技能视为新常态的必要组成部分,在这种新常态中,“写作指导者和管理者适应数字教室的要求或风险边缘化”。职业”(第ⅶ页)。从这个意义上讲,应用教学法可以作为当今我们数字化努力和关注领域的快照,它的论文最吸引已经具有在线写作指导经验但正在寻求扩大知识和使用范围的教师和管理人员数字学习资源。



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