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Big Bang needs big database


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On 10 September the world's biggest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), will begin hurling subatomic particles, called protons, around a 27km circular tunnel running beneath the Swiss-French border. The idea is that the particles should crash into each other. By setting this in motion, particle physicists hope to learn more about the physical universe. At the same time, they are reinventing the way they share their research. An international initiative that will involve more than 2,000 physicists from 150 research institutions in more than 30 countries, the LHC experiment is being managed by the Geneva-based particle physics laboratory Cern, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Founded in 1954, Cern has a distinguished scientific pedigree - it has been home to three Nobel laureates, and is where in 1990 Tim Bemers-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
机译:9月10日,全球最大的粒子加速器大型强子对撞机(LHC)将开始围绕位于瑞士与法国边境下方27公里长的圆形隧道发射被称为质子的亚原子粒子。这个想法是粒子应该相互碰撞。通过将其设置为运动,粒子物理学家希望了解更多有关物理宇宙的知识。同时,他们正在重塑分享研究成果的方式。 LHC实验是一项国际计划,将涉及来自30多个国家/地区的150个研究机构的2,000多名物理学家,该实验由总部位于日内瓦的粒子物理实验室Cern(欧洲核研究组织)进行管理。 Cern成立于1954年,拥有杰出的科学血统书-它曾是三位诺贝尔奖获得者的故乡,1990年,蒂姆·贝默斯·李(Tim Bemers-Lee)发明了万维网。



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