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The fall in the number of A-level candidates taking computing or IT courses is a matter of deep concern for the technology industry. As Robin McGill points out, too few young people are taking science and technology subjects. In fact, this is a time when more, not fewer, young people should be considering IT careers, and this trend signals a very real possibility of an IT skills shortage in the UK in the near future, If IT graduates are becoming scarce, how will the UK compete with the pace of technology innovation abroad? Look at the US - Face-book, Google and eBay are all leaden in their fields because they are embracing the right technology skills. We need to nurture, cherish and support our IT graduates; after all, they could be the next Bill Gates. Above all, students need to be enthused and inspired by the opportunities in IT and realise how crucial they could be in shaping the country's future.
机译:参加计算机或IT课程的A级应聘者人数下降是技术行业深为关注的问题。正如罗宾·麦吉尔(Robin McGill)所指出的那样,很少有年轻人选修科学和技术学科。实际上,这个时候应该有更多而不是更少的年轻人来考虑IT事业,这一趋势表明英国在不久的将来很有可能出现IT技能短缺的情况,如果IT毕业生越来越稀缺,如何英国会与国外的技术创新步伐抗衡吗?看看美国-Facebook,Google和eBay都在各自领域处于领先地位,因为它们拥护正确的技术技能。我们需要培养,珍惜和支持我们的IT毕业生;毕竟,他们可能是下一个比尔·盖茨。最重要的是,学生需要从IT机会中获得热情和启发,并意识到他们在塑造国家未来方面的重要性。



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