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New Ideas Sought On Attracting Women To It


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Rebecca George has a new approach to the problem of the gender imbalance in the IT industry. It is not just women who are alienated by IT's traditional working culture, she says, but young men too, and something needs to change if the sector is to thrive. The new chair of the British Computer Society Women's Forum is also a partner at Deloitte. She wants ideas from IT professionals on how they would entice more women and young people into the sector. "I suspect that part of the problem is to do with the culture of organisations in which people are working," George says. "I do not think it hits just women - I have a feeling that bright, creative, interesting men are leaving the industry as well." George has been working to increase IT's female contingent since the early 1990s, and says she has tried everything.
机译:丽贝卡·乔治(Rebecca George)对IT行业中的性别失衡问题有了新的解决方法。她说,不仅仅是IT传统工作文化对女性的排斥,年轻男性也是如此,要想使这个行业蓬勃发展,就需要改变一些状况。英国计算机协会妇女论坛的新主席也是德勤的合伙人。她希望获得IT专业人员的想法,以帮助他们吸引更多的妇女和年轻人进入该行业。乔治说:“我怀疑问题的一部分与人们工作所在的组织的文化有关。” “我认为这不仅会影响女性,我感到聪明,有创造力,有趣的男人也将离开这个行业。”自1990年代初以来,乔治一直致力于增加IT部门的女性队伍,并说她已经尽了一切努力。



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