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Innovative Approaches To Green It


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Green IT comes in many different forms. Computer Weekly spoke to five companies that took different approaches to find how they helped to green their IT operations. Last year, IT services firm Elinia decided to move to a more efficient computing facility, and ended up powering its servers by burning wood chips. The firm, which provides hosted applications and other managed services for customers, teamed up with datacentre specialist Equinix to use its facility in Slough. Equinix's Slough-based datacentre is powered by a converted power plant that burns wood chips, paper cubes and rice husks, says James Carnie, technical architect at Elinia. "We put our name down and were lucky enough to be one of the first four to take space in the building." The firm, which moved into the facility last November, started serving customers in February. Not only does the clean power reduce Elinia's carbon emissions, but more sophisticated infrastructure in the facility means the firm can bill power back to customers individually. Previously, customers paid a flat fee for power.
机译:绿色IT有多种形式。 《计算机周刊》采访了五家采用不同方法的公司,以寻找如何帮助其绿色IT运营的方法。去年,IT服务公司Elinia决定迁移到更高效的计算设备,并最终通过烧木屑来为其服务器供电。该公司为客户提供托管应用程序和其他托管服务,并与数据中心专家Equinix合作使用其在Slough的设施。 Elinia的技术架构师James Carnie说,Equinix基于Slough的数据中心由一座经过改造的发电厂提供动力,该发电厂将燃烧木片,纸块和稻壳。 “我们放下了我们的名字,很幸运地成为在建筑中占据空间的前四名之一。”该公司于去年11月迁入该工厂,并于2月开始为客户提供服务。清洁能源不仅可以减少Elinia的碳排放,而且设施中更复杂的基础设施意味着该公司可以单独向客户计费。以前,客户为电力支付固定费用。



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