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Transcoding Aspects for Image Tele-Collaboration


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Nuotolinis bendradarbiavimas teiks galimybe tarpusavyje nutolusiems vartotojams bendradar-biauti virtualioje aplinkoje taip, lyg jie butu toje pačioje vietoje. Tai kompiuteriniu tinklu ir žinia-sklaidos sinteze siekiant pato bulinti bendradarbiavimo aplinkas. Nuotolinio bendradarbiavimo da-lyviai gali vydyti paieška duomenu saugyklose ir vizualizuoti tuos duomenis, valdyti sudetingo mokslinio ir inžinierinio modeliavimo eiga. Straipsnyje išnagrinetos perkodavimo priemones, reikalingos efektyviam bendradarbiavimui Intemeto bei P2P/Grid aplinkose. Nustatyta, kad tiek Scene Graphs, tiek SVG DOM yra butini perkodavimui.%Tele-Collaboration will enable users in different locations to collaborate in a shared, simulated environment as if they were in the same physical room. It's the ultimate synthesis of networking and media technologies to enhance collaborative environments. When participants are Tele-Collaborated, they are able to interact with each other in a shared virtual environment. They are able to query and visualize data stores and steer complex scientific and engineering simulations. This article investigated the transcoding intermediaries required to achieve an effective tele-collaboration on the Web as well as on P2P/Grid environments. Both Scene Graphs as used by the virtual SceneBeans and the SVG DOM tree are found to be essential for the transcoding purpose.
机译:远程协作将允许远程用户在虚拟环境中进行协作,就像他们在同一个地方一样。它是计算机网络和消息分发融合,以促进协作环境。远程协作的参与者可以搜索和可视化数据存储库,管理复杂的科学和工程模型。本文研究了Internet和P2P / Grid环境中有效协作所需的代码转换工具。已经发现场景图和SVG DOM都是进行转码所必需的。%Tele-Collaboration将使位于不同位置的用户能够在共享的模拟环境中进行协作,就像在同一物理房间中一样。它是网络和媒体技术的最终综合,以增强协作环境。当参与者进行远程协作时,他们能够在共享的虚拟环境中彼此交互。他们能够查询和可视化数据存储,并进行复杂的科学和工程仿真。本文研究了在Web以及P2P / Grid环境上实现有效的远程协作所需的代码转换中介。发现虚拟SceneBean使用的场景图和SVG DOM树对于代码转换都是必不可少的。



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