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Recombinant Chinese Pinyin system for efficient processing of information in Chinese


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An enhanced Pinyin (Chinese phonetic symbol) coding system has been developed for creating a novel Romanized version of the Chinese language. The homophonic problem associated with inputting Chinese characters to computers has been solved by the addition of a suffix to the conventional Pinyin of individual Chinese characters as well as multisyllable words/phrases. The suffix for the Pinyin of a Chinese character comprises a combination of a tone symbol and a single letter index that is mostly designated as the first letter of an English word giving an appropriate translation. For multisyllable Chinese words, the suffix consists only of a single letter that indicates either the tone of the last Chinese character or the first letter of an English translation. The resulting set of Romanized Chinese notations, christened ‘Chinish', make it possible to input Chinese characters as efficiently as English words. It is proposed that Chinish be used as a replacement for the current Pinyin system as a standard interface between Chinese speaking users and computers.
机译:已经开发了增强的拼音(中文注音符号)编码系统,用于创建新颖的中文罗马化版本。与汉字输入计算机相关的谐音问题已通过在传统拼音中添加单个后缀以及多音节词/短语的后缀来解决。汉字拼音的后缀包括音调符号和单个字母索引的组合,该索引通常被指定为提供适当翻译的英文单词的第一个字母。对于多音节的中文单词,后缀仅包含一个字母,该字母表示最后一个汉字的音调或英语翻译的第一个字母。由此产生的一组罗马化中文符号被称为“ Chinish”,使得输入中文字符的效率与英文单词一样有效。建议使用Chinish代替当前的拼音系统,作为汉语用户和计算机之间的标准接口。



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