首页> 外文期刊>Computer Standards & Interfaces >On the performance of the IEC 61158 Fieldbus

On the performance of the IEC 61158 Fieldbus

机译:关于IEC 61158现场总线的性能

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THe IEC 61158 Fieldbus protocol merges two well-established medium access control techniques based respectively on a centralized arbitration method and on a token-passing distributed scheme. The first method is used to handle real-time (cyclic) traffic, while the second one allows to share out fairly the bandwidth left free by the cyclic traffic. This paper analyzes the behaviour of an IEC 61158 network to study how the acyclic message exchanges are affected by the selection of some relevant protocol parameters. In particular, two working conditions are considered in the paper.
机译:IEC 61158现场总线协议分别基于集中式仲裁方法和基于令牌传递的分布式方案,合并了两种完善的媒体访问控制技术。第一种方法用于处理实时(循环)流量,而第二种方法允许公平地共享循环流量剩余的带宽。本文分析了IEC 61158网络的行为,以研究非循环消息交换如何受到一些相关协议参数的选择的影响。本文特别考虑了两个工作条件。



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