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Visual Exploration of the Vulcan CO₂ Data

机译:Vulcan CO 2数据的可视化探索

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Advances in scientific understanding have confirmed the fact of climate change driven primarily by rising carbon dioxide levels. Current understanding of CO₂ emissions at space-time scales that are meaningful for carbon-cycle science, climate-change research, industrial management, and carbon trading is limited. The Vulcan Project quantified 2002 US fossil-fuel CO₂ emissions down to the level of individual factories, power plants, roadways, and subcounty residential areas and placed the complete inventory on a common 10 km2/hourly grid to facilitate atmospheric modeling. Standard volume or GIS techniques can help visualize the data, but its size requires specialized techniques.
机译:科学认识的进步证实了气候变化这一事实,主要是由二氧化碳水平上升所驱动。当前对于时空尺度的CO2排放的理解对于碳循环科学,气候变化研究,工业管理和碳交易有意义。 Vulcan项目将2002年美国化石燃料的CO2排放量量化为各个工厂,发电厂,道路和县以下居民区的水平,并将全部清单放置在每小时10平方公里的公用网格上,以方便进行大气建模。标准体积或GIS技术可以帮助可视化数据,但是其大小需要专门的技术。



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