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The Digital Emily Project: Achieving a Photorealistic Digital Actor


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The Digital Emily Project uses advanced face scanning, character rigging, performance capture, and compositing to achieve one of the world''s first photorealistic digital facial performances. The project scanned the geometry and reflectance of actress Emily O''Brien''s face in 33 poses, showing different emotions, gaze directions, and lip formations in a light stage. These high-resolution scansȁ4;accurate to skin pores and fine wrinklesȁ4;became the basis for building a blendshape-based facial-animation rig whose expressions closely matched the scans. The blendshape rig drove displacement maps to add dynamic surface detail. A video-based facial animation system animated the face according to the performance in a reference video, and the digital face was tracked onto the video''s motion and rendered under the same illumination. The result was a realistic 3D digital facial performance credited as one of the first to cross the "uncanny valley" between animated and fully human performances.
机译:Digital Emily Project使用先进的面部扫描,角色装配,性能捕获和合成功能,实现了世界上第一个逼真的数字面部表情。该项目以33个姿势扫描了女演员艾米莉·奥布赖恩(Emily O''Brien)的脸部的几何形状和反射率,在一个明亮的舞台上显示出不同的情感,凝视方向和嘴唇的形成。这些高分辨率扫描ȁ4;精确到皮肤毛孔和细皱纹ȁ4;成为构建基于混合形状的面部动画装备的基础,其表情与扫描相匹配。 blendshape钻机驱动位移贴图以​​添加动态曲面细节。一个基于视频的面部动画系统根据参考视频中的性能对脸部进行动画处理,并将数字脸部跟踪到视频的运动上并在相同的照明下进行渲染。结果是逼真的3D数字面部表情被认为是在动画和完全人类表演之间穿越“奇异山谷”的第一人。



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