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AsyncClock: Scalable Inference of Asynchronous Event Causality


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Asynchronous programming model is commonly used in mobile systems and Web 2.0 environments. Asynchronous race detectors use algorithms that are an order of magnitude performance and space inefficient compared to conventional data race detectors. We solve this problem by identifying and addressing two important problems in reasoning about causality between asynchronous events. Unlike conventional signal-wait operations, establishing causal order between two asynchronous events is fundamentally more challenging as there is no common handle they operate on. We propose a new primitive named AsyncClock that addresses this problem by explicitly tracking causally preceding events, and show that ASYNCCLOCK can handle a wide variety of asynchronous causality models. We also address the important scalability problem of efficiently identifying heirless events whose metadata can be reclaimed. We built the first single-pass, non-graph-based Android race detector using our algorithm and applied it to find errors in 20 popular applications. Our tool incurs about 6x performance overhead, which is several times more efficient than the state-of-the-art solution. It also scales well with the execution length. We used our tool to find 147 previously unknown harmful races.
机译:异步编程模型通常在移动系统和Web 2.0环境中使用。与传统的数据竞争检测器相比,异步竞争检测器使用的算法在性能和空间效率上都是一个数量级。我们通过在异步事件之间的因果关系推理中确定和解决两个重要问题来解决此问题。与常规的信号等待操作不同,在两个异步事件之间建立因果顺序从根本上更具挑战性,因为它们没有操作的通用句柄。我们提出了一个名为AsyncClock的新原语,它通过显式跟踪因果关系先前的事件来解决此问题,并表明ASYNCCLOCK可以处理各种各样的异步因果关系模型。我们还解决了重要的可伸缩性问题,即有效地识别其元数据可以回收的继承事件。我们使用我们的算法构建了第一个非基于图形的单通道Android种族检测器,并将其应用到20种流行的应用程序中查找错误。我们的工具产生了大约6倍的性能开销,其效率是最新解决方案的几倍。它也可以随着执行长度而很好地扩展。我们使用我们的工具找到了147个以前未知的有害种族。



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