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The delimitation buckling of single-fibre system and interplay hybrid composites


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The diminution buckling of single-fiber system and interplay hybrid composites are studied. Due to the complicated combination of interplay hybrid composites, the number glass-fibre layers and the stacking sequence are varied to contrast their effects upon the buckling behavior. Non-linear buckling analysis, which is a finite element method including contact element to prevent the overlapping situation, was applied to predict the delimitation buckling loads of the composites and compared with the experimental buckling loads. It is evident that non-linear buckling analysis predicts results that are close to the experimental results, and is, therefore, a good choice to precisely predicating buckling loads. For both types of composte, as expected, if the delaminating length increases or the delimitation is close to the surface of the laminate, the buckling load is significantly reduced. For interplay hybrid composites, the number of glass-fibre layers and the different stacking sequences have pronounced effects on the buckling loads and must be carefully considered in design. Critical delimitation length is also discussed for both types of composite.



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