首页> 外文期刊>Communication Quarterly >Mood State or Relational Closeness: Explaining the Impacts of Mood on the Ability to Detect Deception in Friends and Strangers

Mood State or Relational Closeness: Explaining the Impacts of Mood on the Ability to Detect Deception in Friends and Strangers


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This study examined the effects a person's prior mood state (happy or sad) has on his or her ability to perceive deception in friends or strangers (N= 208). This study makes predictions based on the Cognitive Functional Model (Nabi, 1999) and Interpersonal Deception Theory (Buller & Burgoon, 1996b). Results indicated that interviewers in the happy mood were significantly less likely to detect deception compared to those in the sad mood. Results showed no differences in the ability to detect deception based on relational closeness. The discussion highlights the importance of mood context in deception detection and on message processing. Implications and plans for future study are discussed.
机译:这项研究调查了一个人的先前情绪状态(快乐或悲伤)对他或她在朋友或陌生人中感知欺骗的能力的影响(N = 208)。这项研究基于认知功能模型(Nabi,1999)和人际欺骗理论(Buller&Burgoon,1996b)做出了预测。结果表明,与处于悲伤状态的访问者相比,处于访问状态的访问者发现欺骗的可能性大大降低。结果显示,根据亲密关系检测欺骗的能力没有差异。讨论强调了情绪上下文在欺骗检测和消息处理中的重要性。讨论了对未来研究的影响和计划。



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