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Sox and Stripes: Baseball's Ironic American Dreams


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Sports media depictions of the Yankees and Red Sox have produced ironic team personae that can best be understood through the lens of Fisher's (1973) materialistic and moralistic American dreams. In this article, the author traces the interaction of Burke's first three tropes-metaphor, metonymy, and synecdoche-in sports news coverage of the Yankees and Red Sox from 2000-2010 to explain the discursive construction of the teams' ironic personae. Collectively, media emphasis on money metaphors, the Yankees' lucrative 21st century stadium, and a militaristic owner align the team persona with a materialistic, aggressive economic competition model, whereas the Red Sox are represented by metaphors of frugality, a classic stadium, and familial "Idiots" to create a moralistic, cooperative image of the organization. The teams' personae are ultimately created and sustained through the tropological cycle and the dialectical interaction of the rivals.
机译:体育媒体对洋基队和红袜队的描绘造就了具有讽刺意味的团队人物形象,这可以通过费舍尔(1973)的唯物主义和道德主义美国梦的镜头来最好地理解。在本文中,作者追溯了Burke的前三个对立,隐喻,转喻和synecdoche-in体育新闻报道(从2000-2010年)对洋基队和Red Sox的相互作用,以解释球队讽刺角色的话语构造。总体而言,媒体强调钱的隐喻,洋基的利润丰厚的21世纪体育场和军国主义所有者将团队角色与物质主义,激进的经济竞争模型相结合,而红袜队则以节俭,经典体育场和家族的隐喻来表示“白痴”创造了道德,合作的组织形象。团队的角色最终是通过形态学周期和竞争对手的辩证互动来创造和维持的。



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