首页> 外文期刊>Communication Quarterly >The Effects of Cell Phone Usage Rules on Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships

The Effects of Cell Phone Usage Rules on Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships


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Cell phones play an important role in romantic relationships, although they can be a source of uncertainty and conflict in relationships. Although cell phones help relational partners stay connected, expectations that partners will always be available and accessible to one another may decrease the quality of their relationships. Developing and following cell phone usage rules may help partners avoid the relational repercussions of managing calls and texts in ways that partners view as inappropriate or unacceptable. This study investigated the importance of cell phones in romantic relationships and whether the presence of particular cell phone rules predicted cell phone usage satisfaction and relational satisfaction. Results indicate that cell phones are very important as a means of communicating, and that satisfaction with cell phone usage and the relationship are strongly and positively correlated. Rules regarding Relational Issues and Contact With Others helped predict cell phone satisfaction. Rules regarding Relational Issues, Monitoring Partner Usage, and Repetitive Contact contributed to relationship satisfaction. Implications, limitations, and future research are discussed.



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