首页> 外文期刊>Communication Quarterly >What do superdiffusers do when they want to persuade someone about politics on Facebook?

What do superdiffusers do when they want to persuade someone about politics on Facebook?


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Social network sites such as Facebook offer opinion leaders an unprecedented ability toattempt to persuade people about politics. This survey (N = 295) sought to exploreopinion leader types of and motives for producing political messages aimed at persuadingothers on Facebook. The results indicated that mavens, a type of opinion leader,were more likely to broadcast messages aimed at persuading their network as well astarget individuals using Facebook’s affordances. Furthermore both intrinsic and extrinsicmotives were identified that moderated the strength of these relationships. Thisstudy contributes to both understanding opinion leadership as well as political persuasionattempts in social media.
机译:诸如Facebook之类的社交网站为舆论领袖提供了空前的说服人们说服政治的能力。这项调查(N = 295)试图探讨意见领袖的类型和动机,以产生旨在说服他人在Facebook上的政治信息。结果表明,行家作为一种舆论领导者,更有可能广播旨在说服其网络以及使用Facebook的收费目标人群的消息。此外,识别出内在动机和外在动机均减轻了这些关系的强度。这项研究有助于理解舆论领导力以及社交媒体中的政治说服行为。



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