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Product Update


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Lurapret is the new range added to BASF textile chemicals for coating the textiles. Coating in simple terms can be defined as to coat the substrate with chemicals to change its aesthetic value and end use. BASF has got a lot of products in Lurapret range to give various effects and these effects could be so different that product use after coating may be absolutely different from fabric without coating. First we discuss about the coating. Coating is also a type of finishing. But it's absolutely different from the traditional finishes done in textiles. Following are the differences. 1. Traditional finishes are applied on both sides of the fabric. But coating is applied mostly on one side of the fabric. 2. Traditional finishes are applied either by padding or by exhaust method but it is by coating methods. So machines used for traditional methods cannot be used for coating. 3. Base fabric plays a lot of role in traditional finishes. But it plays a very small role in coating.
机译:Lurapret是巴斯夫纺织化学品中添加的用于涂层纺织品的新系列。简单的涂层可以定义为用化学物质涂覆基材,以改变其美学价值和最终用途。巴斯夫在Lurapret系列产品中提供了很多产品来提供各种效果,这些效果可能会如此不同,以致于涂布后的产品使用可能与不涂布的织物完全不同。首先我们讨论涂层。涂层也是一种饰面。但这与纺织品中的传统整理剂完全不同。以下是区别。 1.传统的整理剂涂在织物的两面上。但是涂料大多涂在织物的一侧。 2.传统的面漆可以通过填充或排气的方法进行涂覆,但可以通过涂层的方法进行。因此,用于传统方法的机器不能用于涂层。 3.底布在传统整理中起着重要作用。但是它在涂料中的作用很小。



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