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Anatomy in ancient China: The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon of Medicine and Wang Qingren's Correcting the Errors in the Forest of Medicine


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Although clouded by mysticism and ancestral worship, early Chinese civilization did make many important and often overlooked contributions to our current understanding of human anatomy. This article reviews these early contributions and focuses on the landmark writings of two of the most influential Chinese texts, the Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon of Medicine) attributed to Huang di, and Wang Qingren's Yi Lin Gai Cuo (Correcting the Errors in the Forest of Medicine). These sources made significant contributions to the Chinese understanding of anatomy and served to promote the study of human anatomy both in early China and in regional countries like Japan. Clin. Anat. 23:364–369, 2010. ? 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
机译:尽管由于神秘主义和祖先崇拜而蒙上阴影,但早期的中华文明确实对我们目前对人体解剖学的理解做出了许多重要的,常常被忽视的贡献。本文回顾了这些早期的贡献,重点介绍了两种最有影响力的中文著作的地标性著作:黄帝内经(黄帝内经)和王庆仁的《一林改错》(改正本)。医学林中的错误)。这些资料为中国人对解剖学的理解做出了重要贡献,并在中国早期和日本等地区国家促进了人体解剖学的研究。临床阿纳特23:364–369,2010年。 2010 Wiley-Liss,Inc.



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