首页> 外文期刊>Classical Receptions Journal >Sisyphus and Caesar: the opposition of Greece and Rome in Albert Camus' absurd cycle

Sisyphus and Caesar: the opposition of Greece and Rome in Albert Camus' absurd cycle

机译:西西弗斯(Sisyphus)和凯撒(Caesar):希腊和罗马在阿尔伯特·卡缪斯(Albert Camus)荒诞的周期中的对立

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Albert Camus' reception of the ancient world is a subject deserving greater consideration than it has currently received. This article will discuss the importance of Greece and Rome in Camus' Absurd cycle and its implications in the context of colonial Algeria. I begin with an analysis of Camus' instinctive polarization of Greece and Rome (Greece as artistic and democratic; Rome as violent and imperialist), before arguing that this antithesis was vital in two of Camus' most lasting creations: Sisyphus and Caligula. I will examine both the complex use of Greek myth in Le Mythe de Sisyphe and Camus’ contrasting representation of Roman society in the play Caligula. These receptions will then be situated within the political and literary contexts in which Camus wrote, particularly that of colonialism. Camus' reception of the ancient world reveals much about his complex relationship with Algeria. Even as he rejected the Latinizing tropes of previous colonial writers, his own concept of Graeco-Mediterraneanism was equally predicated on Eurocentric discourses. Camus' vision of the ancient world goes to the heart of understanding not only his Absurd literature but ultimately, I suggest, reveals a writer at a crossroads between Europe and Africa.
机译:阿尔伯特·卡缪斯(Albert Camus)对古代世界的接待是一个值得比当前接受的更多考虑的主题。本文将讨论希腊和罗马在加缪荒诞周期中的重要性及其在阿尔及利亚殖民时期的影响。我首先分析加缪对希腊和罗马(希腊是艺术和民主;罗马则是暴力和帝国主义)的本能两极分化,然后再论证这种对立对加缪最持久的两个创作至关重要:西西弗斯和卡利古拉。我将研究《神话》中希腊神话的复杂用法,以及加里斯在戏剧中对加缪的罗马社会对比表现。然后,这些招待会将置于加缪撰写的政治和文学背景下,尤其是殖民主义的背景下。加缪对古代世界的了解揭示了他与阿尔及利亚之间复杂的关系。即使他拒绝了以前殖民地作家的拉丁化倾向,他自己的希腊地中海主义概念也同样以欧洲中心论为基础。加缪对古代世界的看法不仅使他理解荒诞的文学成为了理解的核心,而且我建议,最终,他揭示了一位处于欧洲和非洲之间十字路口的作家。



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