首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >The Church of England and the Bangorian Controversy, 1716–1721. By Andrew Starkie. Studies in Modern British Religious History 14. Woodbridge, U.K.: Boydell, 2007. vii + 261 pp. $85.00 cloth.

The Church of England and the Bangorian Controversy, 1716–1721. By Andrew Starkie. Studies in Modern British Religious History 14. Woodbridge, U.K.: Boydell, 2007. vii + 261 pp. $85.00 cloth.

机译:英格兰教会和Bangorian争议,1716-1721年。作者:安德鲁·斯塔基(Andrew Starkie)。 《现代英国宗教史研究》 14.英国伍德布里奇:博伊德尔,2007年。vii + 261页。$ 85.00布。

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This exhaustive yet pointed study examines what J. C. D. Clark has called “thenmost bitter domestic ideological conflict of the [eighteenth] century” (1) andnwhat might be read as an Enlightenment anticipation of the North Americann“culture wars” of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries and theninternecine quarrels of world Anglicanism. The author, Andrew Starkie, isnboth a meticulous scholar and an engaged parish priest in the Church ofnEngland. His book began life as a Cambridge dissertation, supervised bynMark Goldie, and he has read and digested the hundreds of politically andntheologically charged newspaper columns, pamphlets, books, and publishednsermons in which the controversy played itself out. Though Starkie does notnmake an explicit connection in his monograph, one can easily imagine thenearly eighteenth-century equivalent of the twenty-four-hour electronic newsncycle, the blogosphere, and YouTube videos. Of course, the Bangorianncontroversy produced a more sustained (and more substantial) print medianblitz in which all sorts and conditions weighed in: Whigs and Tories,npartisans of both high and low church, Latitudinarians and the fiercelynorthodox, Dissenters and Non-jurors and even Huguenots and a sometimenFrench Catholic. Kudos to Starkie for delving into the morass, unravelingnthe various combatants in their respective contexts, and coming up with ancomplex and compelling analysis.
机译:这项详尽而又尖锐的研究考察了JCD克拉克所说的“十八世纪最严峻的家庭意识形态冲突”(1),什么可以理解为对二十世纪后期和二十世纪初北美“文化大战”的启蒙期盼。最初的几个世纪,然后是世界国教的internecine争吵。作者安德鲁·斯塔基(Andrew Starkie)既是一位细心的学者,又是英格兰教会中一位虔诚的教区牧师。他的书开始于剑桥大学的论文,由马克·戈尔迪(Mark Goldie)监督,他阅读并消化了成百上千起具有政治和神学意义的报纸专栏,小册子,书籍和出版的讲义。尽管Starkie并未在他的专着中建立明确的联系,但人们可以轻松地想象出相当于二十四小时的电子新闻周期,博客圈和YouTube视频的十八世纪初期的情况。当然,Bangoriann争议产生了更持续(且更实质性)的印刷版闪电战,其中各种因素和条件都受到了影响:辉格党和保守党,高低教会的信徒,拉脱维亚人和极端正统派,持不同政见者和非陪审员甚至是胡格诺派还有一个法国天主教徒感谢Starkie深入研究沼泽,在各自的环境中解开各种战斗人员,并提出了复杂而引人注目的分析。



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