首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Show Us How You Do It: Marshall Keeble and the Rise of Black Churches of Christ in the United States, 1914–1968. By Edward J. Robinson. Religion and American Culture. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2008. xii + 243 pp. $39.95 cloth.

Show Us How You Do It: Marshall Keeble and the Rise of Black Churches of Christ in the United States, 1914–1968. By Edward J. Robinson. Religion and American Culture. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2008. xii + 243 pp. $39.95 cloth.

机译:向我们展示您的做法:1914年至1968年,马歇尔·基布尔(Marshall Keeble)和美国黑人基督教堂的兴起。爱德华·罗宾逊宗教与美国文化。塔斯卡卢萨:阿拉巴马大学出版社,2008年。xii + 243页。$ 39.95布。

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Two salient characteristics have shaped scholarship about the institutionalninfrastructure of African American Christianity. Emphasis has been placednon the seven large historically black religious bodies of Baptists, Methodists,nand pentecostals, and the smaller but influential enclaves of AfricannAmericans in largely white Presbyterian, Congregational, Episcopal, andnMethodist Episcopal denominations. Blacks in these church organizations,ndespite their doctrinal diversity and worship styles, embraced a publicntheology aimed at challenging and destroying racist institutions and practicesnthat oppressed them. Edward J. Robinson in his study, however,ndemonstrates that the religious landscape among African Americans includedna broad range of clergy and churches whose perspectives and practicesnshowed a remarkable divergence from the standard narrative that scholars ofnblack religion have advanced. Like an older and recently revised literaturenabout new urban religions, Robinson’s research on the black Churches ofnChrist, though grounded in the rural American South, presents AfricannAmerican Christianity as a multifaceted phenomenon. His scholarship addsnto the complexity of black religious expression and belief and discouragesnscholars from making easy generalizations about these experiences.
机译:两个显着特征塑造了关于非裔美国人基督教制度基础结构的学术研究。重点放在浸信会,卫理公会,五旬节会和黑人教义的七个历史上较大的黑人宗教团体,以及规模较小但影响力较大的白人非裔美国人长老会,公理会,圣公会和循道卫理公会教派。这些教会组织中的黑人,尽管其教义上的多样性和敬拜风格,都接受了旨在挑战和摧毁压迫他们的种族主义制度和习俗的公共神学。但是,爱德华·罗宾逊(Edward J. Robinson)的研究表明,非洲裔美国人的宗教景观包括广泛的神职人员和教堂,其观点和做法与黑人宗教学者所提出的标准叙述有着显着的差异。与关于新的城市宗教的较旧的和最近修订的文献一样,鲁滨逊对黑人基督教堂的研究虽然植根于美国南部乡村,却将非裔美国人基督教视为一个多方面的现象。他的学术研究不仅增加了黑人宗教表达和信仰的复杂性,而且不鼓励学者对这些经历进行简单的概括。



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