首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >“I Will Sing the Wondrous Story”: A History of Baptist Hymnody in North America. By David W. Music and Paul A. Richardson. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 2008. xvi + 638 pp. $45.00 cloth.

“I Will Sing the Wondrous Story”: A History of Baptist Hymnody in North America. By David W. Music and Paul A. Richardson. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 2008. xvi + 638 pp. $45.00 cloth.

机译:“我会唱奇妙的故事”:北美浸信会赞美史。戴维·W·音乐和保罗·理查森。乔治亚州,梅肯:梅瑟大学出版社,2008年。xvi+ 638页。$ 45.00布。

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David Music is professor of church music and director of graduate studies innthe school of music at Baylor University. Paul Richardson is professor ofnmusic in the school of the performing arts at Samford University. Both arenmembers of the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada and have anlong and distinguished record of hymnological research and writing. Theynhave teamed up in this book to trace hymnody among Baptists in NorthnAmerica from its British roots in the early seventeenth century to thenbeginning of the twenty-first century. Organized as a narrative in tennchapters, it moves from the British roots through the beginnings of Baptistnmusic or its absence in America, early hymnals, early regional nineteenth-ncentury collections, mid-nineteenth-century sectional and denominationalncollections, the Civil War, Sunday School and Gospel songs, late nineteenth-ncentury hymnals, “denominational” ones in the twentieth century, and thensplintering at the end of the twentieth century viewed through grids liken“reformers” and “revolutionaries.” In the process, Baptist leaders and groupsnare considered and their various views and conflicts described.
机译:David Music是贝勒大学音乐学院的教堂音乐教授和研究生研究主任。保罗·理查森(Paul Richardson)是萨姆福德大学(Samford University)表演艺术学院音乐教授。他们都是美国和加拿大赞美诗协会的会员,在赞美诗研究和写作方面有着悠久而杰出的记录。 Theynhave在这本书中进行了合作,以追溯北美浸信会从17世纪初期的英国起源到20世纪初的赞美诗。它以讲故事的故事形式组织,从英国发源地到巴蒂斯音乐的起源或​​在美国的消失,早期的赞美诗,十九世纪早期的地区收藏,十九世纪中叶的部门和宗派,内战,主日学和福音歌曲,19世纪末的赞美诗,20世纪的“宗派性”歌曲,然后在20世纪末通过诸如“改革者”和“革命者”之类的网格出现。在此过程中,浸信会领袖和团体被考虑,并描述了他们的各种观点和冲突。



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