首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Black Religious and Political Cultures of the Southern and Northern United States After Redemption: Jim Crow and the Transformation of African American Religion in the Delta, 1875–1915

Black Religious and Political Cultures of the Southern and Northern United States After Redemption: Jim Crow and the Transformation of African American Religion in the Delta, 1875–1915

机译:赎回后的美国南部和北部的黑人宗教和政治文化:吉姆·克罗(Jim Crow)和三角洲的非裔美国人宗教转变,1875–1915年

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A focus on the religious and political creativity of the oppressed links the threenbooks under review here. John M. Giggie’s After Redemption analyzes AfricannAmerican political, religious, and cultural life in the Mississippi and ArkansasnDelta from the 1870s through the 1910s, a period known as the nadir of blacknpolitical life, while Mary Rolinson’s Grassroots Garveyism studies the samenregion during the 1920s. Both do a meticulous job of excavating thenworldviews of their black Southern subjects. Marie W. Dallam’s DaddynGrace is a respectable piece of scholarship but is not in the same league asnGiggie’s and Rolinson’s works. It is limited by Dallam’s (false) claim to anninsider perspective, which boils down to a refusal to subject Grace or hisnHouse of Prayer to critical analysis.
机译:重点关注被压迫者的宗教和政治创造力,将此处所审查的三本著作链接在一起。约翰·吉吉(John M. Giggie)的《救赎后》分析了1870年代到1910年代密西西比州和阿肯色三角洲的非裔美国人的政治,宗教和文化生活,这一时期被称为黑人政治生活的最低点,而玛丽·罗林森的草根Garveyism在1920年代研究了同一地区。双方都在挖掘其黑人南部主体的世界观方面做了细致的工作。玛丽·W·达拉姆(Marie W. Dallam)的DaddynGrace是一项颇受人尊敬的奖学金,但与nGiggie和Rolinson的作品不在同一个联盟中。达拉姆(Dallam)对“旁观者”观点的(虚假)主张受到限制,最终归结为拒绝对格蕾丝(Grace)或他的祷告之屋(hisn's Prayer)进行批判性分析。



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