首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Religious Life in Normandy, 1050–1300: Space, Gender and Social Pressure. By Leonie V. Hicks. Studies in the History of Medieval Religion 33. Woodbridge, U.K.: Boydell, 2007. x + 246 pp. $90.00 cloth.

Religious Life in Normandy, 1050–1300: Space, Gender and Social Pressure. By Leonie V. Hicks. Studies in the History of Medieval Religion 33. Woodbridge, U.K.: Boydell, 2007. x + 246 pp. $90.00 cloth.

机译:诺曼底的宗教生活,1050–1300年:空间,性别和社会压力。莱昂妮·希克斯(Leonie V. Hicks)。中世纪宗教史研究33.英国伍德布里奇:博德尔,2007年。x+ 246页,每张$ 90.00布。

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Since the publication of Henri Lefebvre’s La production de l’espace (1974),nscholars of religion increasingly have begun to consider the effects of space onnthe experience of the sacred. Entering this vibrant field of investigation isnProfessor Leonie Hicks, whose Religious Life in Normandy, 1050–1300nexamines the daily practices of Norman clergy and laity in the years 1050–n1300. Hicks argues that, during these years, as church reformers sought tondemarcate and define exclusively sacred space, clergy and laity worked both inncooperation and disputation to create contested, “lived” spaces in variousnputatively sacred arenas such as churches,monasteries, leper houses, and hospitals.
机译:自从亨利·勒费弗尔(Henri Lefebvre)的《空间的生产》(La production de l'espace)(1974年)出版以来,宗教学者越来越多地开始考虑空间对神圣经验的影响。进入这一生机勃勃的调查领域的是列昂尼·希克斯(Leonie Hicks)教授,他的诺曼底宗教生活(1050-1300)在1050-n1300年期间记录了诺曼神职人员和俗人的日常作法。希克斯认为,在这些年中,随着教会改革者寻求划定界限并专门界定神圣的空间,神职人员和俗人在不经意间相互竞争的神圣领域(如教堂,修道院,麻疯病房和医院)中通力合作和争端创造了有争议的“生活”空间。



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