首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Literature and Heresy in the Age of Chaucer. By Andrew Cole. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature 71. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. xx + 308 pp. $99.00 cloth.

Literature and Heresy in the Age of Chaucer. By Andrew Cole. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature 71. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. xx + 308 pp. $99.00 cloth.

机译:乔uc时代的文学与异端。作者:安德鲁·科尔(Andrew Cole)。中世纪文学中的剑桥研究71.剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2008年。xx+ 308页,每本99.00美元。

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A rose by any other name would smell as sweet? Not so, argues Andrew Cole, ifnthe rose in question is the Wycliffite heresy, and the “other name” is “lollardy,”nthat near-ubiquitous epithet employed by ecclesiastical officials, poets, and others in late medieval England to deride John Wyclif’s followers. Cole’s studynpresents a series of refreshing and compelling readings of the works of suchncanonical authors as William Langland and Margery Kempe, situating them innrelation to the emergence of Wycliffism and its effect on the literature of latenmedieval England. Cole’s goal is to treat Wycliffism as “an emergent fund ofnideas, forms, and rhetorics that helped various medieval authors think anewnabout the past and the present ... about, fundamentally, what it means to write”n(186). In short, he suggests, Wycliffism provided not just a context but thenmost significant context within which late medieval English authors wrote.
机译:别的名字的玫瑰会闻起来那么甜吗?并非如此,安德鲁·科尔(Andrew Cole)认为,如果所讨论的玫瑰是怀克里夫特派的异端邪说,而“别称”是“懒散的”,那是中世纪晚期英格兰教会官员,诗人和其他人士所采用的几乎普遍存在的用语嘲笑约翰·怀克利夫的追随者。科尔的研究提出了一系列令人耳目一新的读物,使诸如威廉·兰兰德和玛格丽·肯佩这样的经典作家的作品成为现实,与威克里夫主义的兴起及其对近代英格兰文学的影响无关。 Cole的目标是将Wyclifsm视为“一种思想,形式和修辞学的新兴基金,帮助各种中世纪作家对过去和现在进行了重新思考……从根本上讲,这意味着写作” [n](186)。简而言之,他认为,威克里夫主义不仅提供了一个语境,而且还提供了中世纪晚期英国作家在其中写作的最重要的语境。



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