首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Blessing the World: Ritual and Lay Piety in Medieval Religion. By Derek A. Rivard. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2009. xii + 332 pp. $39.95 paper.

Blessing the World: Ritual and Lay Piety in Medieval Religion. By Derek A. Rivard. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2009. xii + 332 pp. $39.95 paper.

机译:祝福世界:中世纪宗教中的礼节和虔诚。作者:德里克·A·里瓦德(Derek A. Rivard)。华盛顿特区:美国天主教大学出版社,2009年.xii + 332页,39.95美元。

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Medieval religious practice featured numerous blessing ceremonies that soughtnto protect people and property from malign elements in the natural andnsupernatural worlds. Present-day Christians within the Catholic tradition stillncontinue this practice, although it is probably used rather less frequently nownthan it was in the Middle Ages. Derek Rivard’s study of medieval blessings seeks to discover how these rituals contributed to the formation of the medievalnreligious mentalite ´.
机译:中世纪的宗教习俗以众多的祈福仪式为特色,这些仪式旨在保护人们和财产免受自然和超自然世界中的邪恶因素的侵害。如今,天主教传统中的基督徒仍在继续这种做法,尽管与中世纪相比,如今这种做法的使用频率可能较低。德里克·里瓦尔德(Derek Rivard)对中世纪祝福的研究旨在发现这些仪式如何促进了中世纪宗教思想家´的形成。



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