首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Holiness: The Soul of Quakerism; An Historical Analysis of the Theology of Holiness in the Quaker Tradition. By Carole Dale Spencer. Studies in Christian History and Thought. Milton Keynes, U.K.: Paternoster, 2007. xvi + 319 pp. $41.00 paper.

Holiness: The Soul of Quakerism; An Historical Analysis of the Theology of Holiness in the Quaker Tradition. By Carole Dale Spencer. Studies in Christian History and Thought. Milton Keynes, U.K.: Paternoster, 2007. xvi + 319 pp. $41.00 paper.

机译:圣洁:Quakerism的灵魂;贵格会传统中圣洁神学的历史分析。作者:Carole Dale Spencer。基督教历史与思想研究。英国米尔顿·凯恩斯(Milton Keynes):Paternoster,2007年。xvi+ 319页,每页$ 41.00。

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In this irenic intellectual history Carole Spencer presents Quakerism asndistinctively embodying the mystical core of Christianity. Illustratingnrelations between liberal silence-based and evangelical sermon-basednFriends, she argues that throughout its history Quakerism has been centerednon holiness. Defined as union with God through balancing apophatic andnkataphatic mysticism, holiness is evident in early Friends’ communalnworship. Beginning in “deep [apophatic] silence beyond words andnthoughts,” it ends “in a luxuriant [kataphatic] cascading of religiousnimages” (31).
机译:在这个邪恶的知识史上,Carole Spencer突出体现了基督教的神秘核心的奎克主义。她举例说明了基于自由沉默的福音派和基于布道讲道的nFriends之间的关系,她认为,在整个历史中,贵格会派始终以非圣洁为中心。通过平衡重生和中生的神秘主义定义为与上帝联合,圣洁在早期朋友的崇拜中是显而易见的。它始于“超越言语和思想的深层[apophatic]沉默”,“以宗教图像的丰富[kataphatic]级联”结束(31)。



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