首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Dealings with God: From Blasphemers in Early Modern Zurich to a Cultural History of Religiousness. By Francisca Loetz. Translated by Rosemary Selle. St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2009. viii + 326 pp. $114.95 cloth.

Dealings with God: From Blasphemers in Early Modern Zurich to a Cultural History of Religiousness. By Francisca Loetz. Translated by Rosemary Selle. St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2009. viii + 326 pp. $114.95 cloth.

机译:与上帝打交道:从现代苏黎世的亵渎者到宗教的文化史。弗朗西斯卡·洛兹(Francisca Loetz)。罗斯玛丽·塞勒(Rosemary Selle)翻译。圣安德鲁斯宗教改革史研究。伯灵顿,弗吉尼亚州:阿什盖特,2009年。viii + 326页,114.95美元。

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Francisca Loetz’s Dealings with God presents some of the best characteristicsnof contemporary historical scholarship. Enormously erudite, she uses thenarchival material from early modern Zurich’s struggles with the crime ofnblasphemy as her exemplum through which to craft a new cultural historicalnmodel of the history of religiousness. While the issue is blasphemy, the pointnis far more ambitious—Loetz is attempting to generate a new paradigm fornexamining religiousness.
机译:弗朗西斯卡·洛埃兹(Francisca Loetz)的《与上帝打交道》展现了当代历史学术的一些最佳特征。她极为博学,她使用现代苏黎世早期与亵渎罪的斗争中的存档材料作为示例,以此来构建宗教史的新文化历史模型。尽管这个问题是亵渎神灵,但尖锐的观点却远非宏大,Loetz试图建立一种新的范式来谴责宗教信仰。



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