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Reinhardt domains (II)


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The study of the boundary behavior of ...... for a domain OMEGA is contained in C~n is quite old, going back to the original inquiries of Bergman. Both Fefferman and later, Boutet de Monvel and Sjostrand obtained the asymptotic expansion of K_(OMEGA)(z, w), when ...... is strongly pseudo-convex. For domain in C~2, Catlin gave a precise description of the behavior of Ka(z, z) near finite-type points in do. Sharp estimates for K_(OMEGA(z, w) for this class of domains were obtained by McNeaF and Negal et al. For a "decoupled" class of ......, McNeaP described the exact estimates on K_(OMEGA (z, w) for z near a point of finite type in ....... For the Reinhardt domain (1), D'Angelo gave the'series form of the Bergman kernel function ...... as.
机译:关于......对于一个领域OMEGA的边界行为的研究包含在C〜n中,它的历史很悠久,可追溯到Bergman最初的研究。当......是强伪凸时,Fefferman及其后来的Boutet de Monvel和Sjostrand都获得了K_(OMEGA)(z,w)的渐近展开。对于C〜2中的域,Catlin精确描述了do中的有限类型点附近Ka(z,z)的行为。 McNeaF和Negal等人获得了此类域的K_(OMEGA(z,w)的急剧估计。对于......的“解耦”类,McNeaP描述了K_(OMEGA(z ,w)对于.......中有限类型点附近的z。对于Reinhardt域(1),D'Angelo给出了Bergman核函数......的系列形式。



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