首页> 外文期刊>Chinese Jouranl of Integrative Medicine >Therapeutic Effects of Tongxinluo Capsule on Patients with Acute Small Cerebral Infarction and Its Influence on SPECT Brain Perfusion Image

Therapeutic Effects of Tongxinluo Capsule on Patients with Acute Small Cerebral Infarction and Its Influence on SPECT Brain Perfusion Image


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Objective: To investigate the influence of Tongxinluo capsule (TXL) on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) with ~(99m)Tc-ECD single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) brain perfusion imaging, and to observe the therapeutic effects of TXL on acute small cerebral infarction (ASCI). Methods: Thirty-four patients with ASCI were enrolled and randomly divided into two groups: the control group (n = 17) was treated with the conventional treatment, i.e. 1.0g of Citicoline added into 300 ml normal saline for intravenous dripping daily for 2 weeks and 0. 8 g of Piracetam taken three times a day orally for 4 weeks, and the treatment group (n = 17) was treated additionally with 4 TXL capsules three times a day for 4 weeks besides the conventional treatment. The ~(99m)Tc-ECD SPECT brain perfusion imaging was performed before and after treatment to observe the change of rCBF, and the neurological deficit was evaluated by Edinburgh-Scandinavia stroke scale (SSS) scores and Barthel index (BI) at the same time. Results: After treatment, the rCBF in the treatment group was significantly improved (P<0. 01), while that in the control group remained unchanged, with the comparison of the rCBF in the two groups after treatment showing significant difference (P<0.01). In addition, the SSS score was significantly lower and BI significantly higher in the treatment group than those in the control group respectively after treatment. Conclusion: TXL could effectively improve rCBF and lessen the neurological deficit symptoms in patients with ASCI.
机译:目的:通过〜(99m)Tc-ECD单光子发射计算机断层扫描(SPECT)脑灌注成像研究通心络胶囊(TXL)对局部脑血流(rCBF)的影响,并观察TXL对急性脑梗塞的治疗作用。小脑梗死(ASCI)。方法:纳入34例ASCI患者,随机分为两组:对照组(n = 17)接受常规治疗,即将1.0g Citicoline加入300 ml生理盐水中,每天静脉滴注2周。每天口服3次,每次0. 8 g吡拉西坦,治疗4周,除常规治疗外,治疗组(n = 17)每天3次,每天4次TXL胶囊治疗4周。在治疗前后进行〜(99m)Tc-ECD SPECT脑灌注成像,以观察rCBF的变化,并同时通过爱丁堡-斯堪的纳维亚卒中量表(SSS)评分和Barthel指数(BI)评估神经功能缺损。时间。结果:治疗后,治疗组的rCBF明显改善(P <0。01),而对照组则保持不变,两组治疗后rCBF的比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.01)。 )。此外,治疗后,治疗组的SSS评分显着低于对照组,BI显着高于对照组。结论:TXL可以有效改善ASCI患者的rCBF并减轻其神经功能缺损症状。



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