首页> 外文期刊>Chinese Jouranl of Integrative Medicine >Pharmacological Action of Adenophora Polysaccharides

Pharmacological Action of Adenophora Polysaccharides


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Adenophora polysaccharides (AP), is an active principle extracted from the root of Adenophorae Potaninii Korsh originated in Gansu Province and isolated with boiling water. AP is isolated and purified from the crude drug by DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-200 column, with a white powder and mean molecular weight of 8. 3X10~4, and [α]D~(20) of AP is + 68. AP is only composed of glucose judging from the analysis of it with patina chromatography (PC) and gas chroma tography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) methods. The methylation analysis showed that AP is composed of (1→6) linked glucose residues. The measure of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMR) ~1H NMR and ~(14)C NMR techniques further proved that AP is α(1→6) linked by D-glucose.
机译:沙参多糖(AP)是一种活性成分,是从甘肃省的沙参(Adenophorae Potaninii Korsh)的根中提取并用沸水分离的。用DEAE-纤维素和Sephadex G-200柱从粗药中分离纯化AP,为白色粉末,平均分子量为8。3X10〜4,AP的[α] D〜(20)为+ 68。从铜绿色谱(PC)和气相色谱-质谱仪(GC-MS)的分析来看,AP仅由葡萄糖组成。甲基化分析表明AP由(1→6)个连接的葡萄糖残基组成。核磁共振成像(NMR)〜1H NMR和〜(14)C NMR技术的测量结果进一步证明,AP是由D-葡萄糖连接的α(1→6)。



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