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Creative Imagination and Subjective Agency in Wynne-Jones’ The Maestro

机译:Wynne-Jones’s Maestro的创意想象力和主观代理

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The Canadian young adult novel The Maestro by Tim Wynne-Jones foregrounds the relationship between imagination and subjective agency. While Burl uses his imagination at the beginning to protect himself from his abusive father, his fantasies become dress rehearsals for small performances that allow him to try on new identities and exercise autonomy through conscious choice of possible actions. The protagonist’s imagination, nurtured by reading fairy tales, allows him to move out of his lonely private realm into intersubjective relationships with others, particularly with parental figures who support his developing sense of agency.
机译:蒂姆·威恩·琼斯(Tim Wynne-Jones)创作的加拿大年轻成人小说《大师》(The Maestro)展现了想象力与主观能动性之间的关系。虽然Burl在一开始就利用自己的想象力来保护自己免受虐待父亲的侵害,但他的幻想变成了小表演的彩排,使他能够尝试新身份并通过有意识地选择可能的行动来行使自主权。通过阅读童话故事,主人公的想象力得以使他脱离孤独的私人领域,与他人,特别是与支持他不断发展的代理意识的父母人物形成主体间的关系。



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