首页> 外文期刊>Central European History >The Holocaust: Roots, History, and Aftermath. By David M. Crowe. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 2008. Pp. xvi+524. Paper $49.00. ISBN 0-8133-4325-9.

The Holocaust: Roots, History, and Aftermath. By David M. Crowe. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 2008. Pp. xvi+524. Paper $49.00. ISBN 0-8133-4325-9.

机译:大屠杀:根源,历史和后果。大卫·克劳(David M.Crowe)。科罗拉多州博尔德:Westview Press。 2008年。 xvi + 524。纸$ 49.00。 ISBN 0-8133-4325-9。

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Can any textbook—by its nature a synthesis of disparate events, materials, andrnperspectives—give students a sense of the depth and emotions of the Holocaust?rnWorks such as Doris Bergen’sWar and Genocide: AConcise History of the Holocaustrn(Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003) and David Engel’srnThe Holocaust: The Third Reich and the Jews (Harlow: Langman, 2000), thoughrnintellectually sophisticated, are short, focused, and painted in broad strokes.rnOne can use them in a course along with primary sources, literary works, andrnmonographs. In his handsome textbook adorned with numerous photographs,rnDavid M. Crowe produces a much more detailed narrative covering perpetra-rntors, victims, rescuers, and some bystanders. It has some strengths, but toornmany weaknesses in its current form.
机译:任何教科书(其本质是不同事件,材料和视角的综合),能否使学生对大屠杀的深度和情感有感觉?例如多丽丝·伯根的《战争与种族灭绝:大屠杀的简明历史》(兰汉姆,马里兰州: Rowman&Littlefield Publishers,Inc.,2003年)和David Engel的著作《大屠杀:第三帝国和犹太人》(Harlow:Langman,2000年),尽管在语言上很精致,却又短,集中,画得很粗。一门课程,以及主要资料来源,文学作品和电影志。戴维·M·克劳(David M. Crowe)在其漂亮的教科书中点缀了许多照片,大卫·克劳(David M. Crowe)制作了更为详尽的叙述,涵盖了犯罪者,受害者,救援人员和一些旁观者。它目前有一些优点,但缺点很多。



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