首页> 外文期刊>Central European History >Hitler's Central European Empire 1938–1945. By Jean W. Sedlar. Booklocker.com, Inc. 2007. Pp. xv+472. Cloth $35.95. ISBN 978-1601452962. Paper $19.95. ISBN 978-1-59113-910-2.

Hitler's Central European Empire 1938–1945. By Jean W. Sedlar. Booklocker.com, Inc. 2007. Pp. xv+472. Cloth $35.95. ISBN 978-1601452962. Paper $19.95. ISBN 978-1-59113-910-2.

机译:希特勒的中欧帝国,1938-1945年。 Jean W. Sedlar着。 Booklocker.com,Inc.2007。页。 xv + 472。布$ 35.95。 ISBN 978-1601452962。纸$ 19.95。 ISBN 978-1-59113-910-2。

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Jean W. Sedlar’s Hitler’s Central European Empire presents an “overview” of thernexperiences of a narrow tier of European states in World War II, from Finlandrnin the north, through the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, thenrnPoland, Czechoslovakia, and finally to Hungary in the south. Her purposernis “to provide a readable and accessible account of a key historical periodrnin a region that has generally attracted insufficient attention from scholars.”She conceptualizes her ambitious project not as a “country-by-countryrnaccount” but instead as a survey of an “entire region . . . linked during thernwar by the simple fact of belonging directly or indirectly to Hitler’s empire.”rnAlthough a commendable endeavor, she misses her target on several counts.
机译:让·塞德拉(Jean W. Sedlar)的希特勒(Hitler)中欧帝国提出了“第二次世界大战”中有限的几个欧洲国家的经验的概述,这些国家从北部的芬兰,穿过波罗的海的爱沙尼亚,拉脱维亚和立陶宛,然后是波兰,捷克斯洛伐克,最后在南部的匈牙利。她的目的是“提供一个关键历史时期的可读性和可访问性的描述,该历史时期通常受到学者的关注不足。”她将雄心勃勃的项目概念化为“一个国家或一个国家的账户”,而不是“整个地区。 。 。尽管在战争中受到直接或间接归属于希特勒帝国的简单事实的影响。”尽管努力值得称赞,但她在多个方面都未能达到目标。



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