首页> 外文期刊>Central European History >Work, Race, and the Emergence of Radical Right Corporatism in Imperial Germany. By Dennis Sweeney. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. 2009. Pp. xii+279. Cloth $75.00. ISBN 10: 0472116789.

Work, Race, and the Emergence of Radical Right Corporatism in Imperial Germany. By Dennis Sweeney. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. 2009. Pp. xii+279. Cloth $75.00. ISBN 10: 0472116789.

机译:帝国的工作,种族和激进右翼团体主义的出现。丹尼斯·斯威尼(Dennis Sweeney)。密歇根州安娜堡:密歇根大学出版社。 2009年。 xii + 279。布料$ 75.00。 ISBN 10:0472116789。

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Although it is not clear from the title, this book is about managerial ideologies inrnthe Saar. The account begins in the reign of Carl Ferdinand von Stumm-rnHalberg, the steel baron whose name became synonymous with a “paternalist”rnsystem of labor relations, which combined comprehensive supervision andrnextensive benefits—from wage bonuses to factory housing—in order to disci-rnpline the workforce. Sweeney then analyzes a series of challenges to this tutelaryrnregime, as Protestant liberals, Catholics, and Socialists attempted at the end ofthe nineteenth century to organize workers in the Saar. In response, employersrnfostered company unions and, in support of this enterprise, embraced a newrnideology of industrial relations. Its basis was a “corporatist vision of aworld com-rnposed of ‘occupational estates’” (p. 168) that appealed to the scientific impera-rntives of productivity and bio-racial health in order to discipline workers. Anrnepilogue to the account then charts the place of this vision in the genealogyrnof “fascist corporatism” in the 1930s.
机译:尽管标题不清楚,但本书是有关萨尔的管理意识形态的。该帐户始于卡尔·费迪南德·冯·斯坦姆·哈尔伯格(Carl Ferdinand von Stumm-rnHalberg)统治时期,他是钢铁男爵的名字,是劳资关系的“家长式”制度的代名词,该制度结合了全面的监督和广泛的好处-从工资奖金到工厂住房-以区别对待。为员工提供服务。斯威尼然后分析了这种教义制的一系列挑战,因为新教自由主义者,天主教徒和社会主义者在19世纪末试图在萨尔州组织工人。作为回应,雇主们促进了公司工会的发展,并为支持该企业而采用了一种新的劳资关系思想。它的基础是“一种由“职业庄园”组成的世界的法人主义构想”(第168页),它对生产力和生物种族健康的科学手段提出了要求,以便对工人进行纪律处分。然后,叙述者在1930年代的“法西斯集团主义”家谱中描绘了这种远见。



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