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Standard Operating Procedures, ethical and legal regulations in BTB (Brain/Tissue/Bio) banking: what is still missing?


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The use of human biological specimens in scientific research is the focus of current international public and professional concern and a major issue in bioethics in general. Brain/Tissue/Bio banks (BTB-banks) are a rapid developing sector; each of these banks acts locally as a steering unit for the establishment of the local Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and the legal regulations and ethical guidelines to be followed in the procurement and dissemination of research specimens. An appropriat Code of Conduct is crucial to a successful operation of the banks and the research application they handle. What are we still missing ? (1) Adequate funding for research BTB-banks. (2) Standard evaluation protocls for audit of BTB-bank performance. (3) Internationally accepted SOP’s which will facilitate exchange and sharing of specimens and data with the scientific community. (4) Internationally accepted Code of Conduct. In the present paper we review the most pressing organizational, methodological, medico-legal and ethical issues involved in BTB-banking; funding, auditing, procurement, management/handling, dissemination and sharing of specimens, confidentiality and data protection, genetic testing, “financial gain” and safety measures. Taking into consideration the huge variety of the specimens stored in different repositories and the enormous differences in medico-legal systems and ethics regulations in different countries it is strongly recommend that the health-care systems and institutions who host BTB-Banks will put more efforts in getting adequate funding for the infrastructure and daily activities. The BTB-banks should define evaluation protocols, SOPs and their Code of Conduct. This in turn will enable the banks to share the collected specimens and data with the largest possible number of researchers and aim at a maximal scientific spin-off and advance in public health research.
机译:在科学研究中使用人类生物标本是当前国际公众和专业关注的焦点,并且通常是生物伦理学中的一个主要问题。脑/组织/生物银行(BTB银行)是一个快速发展的行业。这些银行中的每一个都在当地充当指导单位,以建立本地标准操作程序(SOP)以及在采购和散发研究标本时应遵循的法律法规和道德准则。适当的行为准则对于银行及其经营的研究应用程序的成功运营至关重要。我们还缺少什么? (1)为研究性BTB银行提供足够的资金。 (2)审核BTB银行绩效的标准评估协议。 (3)国际认可的SOP,将有助于与科学界交换和共享标本和数据。 (4)国际公认的行为准则。在本文中,我们回顾了涉及BTB银行业务的最紧迫的组织,方法论,医学法律和道德问题。资金,审计,采购,管理/处理,标本的传播和共享,机密性和数据保护,基因检测,“财务收益”和安全措施。考虑到存储在不同存储库中的标本种类繁多,以及不同国家的医学法律制度和道德规范存在巨大差异,强烈建议托管BTB-Banks的卫生保健系统和机构应在获得足够的资金用于基础设施和日常活动。 BTB银行应定义评估协议,SOP及其行为准则。反过来,这将使银行能够与尽可能多的研究人员共享所收集的标本和数据,并旨在最大程度地进行科学分拆并推动公共卫生研究的发展。



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