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Tropomyosin is localized in the nuclear matrix and chro- mosome scaffold of physarum polycephalum


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The nuclei and chromosomes were isolated from plas- modia of Physarum polycephalum. The nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffold were obtained after the DNA and most of the proteins were extracted with Dnase I and 2 M NaCl. SDS-PAGE analyses revealed that the nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffold contained a 37 kD polypeptide which is equivalent to tropomyosin in molecular weight. Immunofluorescence observations upon slide preparations labelet with anti-tropomyosin antibody showed that the nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffold emanated bright fluorescenece, suggesting the presence of the antigen in them.
机译:核和染色体是从多头Phys的血浆中分离出来的。 DNA提取后获得了核基质和染色体支架,并用Dnase I和2 M NaCl提取了大多数蛋白质。 SDS-PAGE分析显示核基质和染色体支架包含37kD多肽,其分子量相当于原肌球蛋白。对带有抗原肌球蛋白抗体的载玻片制剂小标签进行免疫荧光观察表明,核基质和染色体支架散发出明亮的荧光,表明它们中存在抗原。



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