首页> 外文期刊>Caribbean Journal of Science >Ground-based Autumn Migration of Blackpoll Warblers at Harrison Point, Barbados

Ground-based Autumn Migration of Blackpoll Warblers at Harrison Point, Barbados


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The multi-authored hypothesis postulates that during autumn migration in the West Indies, Blackpoll Warblers (Dendroica striata) have sufficient energy reserves to fly overhead without stopping, and that grounding of these warblers is sporadic. We monitored migration with mist nets at Harrison Point (HP), St. Lucy, Barbados (13°9′ N, 59°9′ W) from 29 September to 9 November 1997 (42 d). We also used sight observation data from HP in autumn from 1993 to 2000 (62 d, excluding 1997) to complement the results obtained from mist-net captures. Blackpoll Warblers arrived throughout the day, but although HP concentrates migrants, blackpolls were generally infrequent (less than daily occurrence) and uncommon (mean of <3 birds/day, excluding occasional "fallouts"). The arrival of grounded Blackpoll Warblers in 1997 was significantly associated with low barometric air pressure. The mean mass (adjusted for body size) and fat class of "fallout" birds captured during a storm were significantly greater than for non-"fallout" birds. The mean fat load of "fallout" birds was sufficient for them to have reached their winter destination in South America without refueling in Barbados, but most other Blackpoll Warblers with lower mass lacked sufficient fat to complete their over-water migration. Our results generally support the multi-authored hypothesis, and thus the prevailing view that Blackpoll Warblers undertake a long transoceanic migration during autumn (primarily in October) over the western North Atlantic Ocean to South America.
机译:多作者的假设假设,在西印度群岛的秋季迁徙期间,Blackpoll鸣鸟(Dendroica striata)具有足够的能量储备,可以不停地飞过头顶,并且这些鸣鸟的接地是零星的。我们从1997年9月29日至11月9日(42天)在巴巴多斯的圣露西哈里森点(HP)(北纬13°9′,西经59°9′)用薄雾网监测了迁移情况。我们还使用了1993年至2000年秋季HP的观测数据(62 d,不包括1997年)来补充从薄雾网捕获获得的结果。 Blackpoll Warblers全天候到达,但是尽管HP集中了移民,但Blackpolls很少见(少于每天发生),而且很少见(平均每天少于3只鸟,不包括偶尔的“辐射”)。接地的Blackpoll Warblers于1997年到来,这与低气压有关。暴风雨期间捕获的“尘埃”鸟的平均质量(根据体型进行调整)和脂肪等级显着大于非“尘埃”鸟。 “脱落”鸟类的平均脂肪负荷足以使他们到达南美洲的冬季目的地,而无需在巴巴多斯加油,但是大多数其他质量较低的黑点莺都缺乏足够的脂肪来完成其水上迁徙。我们的结果通常支持多重作者的假设,因此,盛行的观点是,Blackpoll Warblers在秋季(主要是10月)在北大西洋西部到南美进行了长时间的越洋迁移。



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