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Kolkata's Communists Face Eviction


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For the first time, Rajesh Babani won't vote for West Bengal's communists, joining a revolt that may end the rule of the world's longest-serving elected Marxist government. The reason: His two sons can't find jobs."Almost everyone around here is searching for work," says Babani, 43, as he leans against the wall of a teashop painted with the Left Front's hammerand-sickle motifs in a slum in Kolkata, the state capital. Babani, who works only 100 days a year as a roadsweeper, will vote in elections that started on Apr. 18. Polls say the state will be won by the All India Trinamool Congress party, an ally of the ruling Congress coalition in Delhi.
机译:拉杰什·巴巴尼(Rajesh Babani)第一次不投票支持西孟加拉邦的共产党员,而这次起义可能会结束世界上任职时间最长的马克思主义政府的统治。原因是:他的两个儿子找不到工作。“ 43岁的巴巴尼靠在一家茶馆的墙上,那里刻有左前锋的锤子和镰刀图案,” 43岁的巴巴尼说。州首府加尔各答。巴巴尼(Babani)每年仅做100天清道夫工作,他将在4月18日开始的选举中投票。民意调查显示,印度将由印度执政的国会联盟的盟友全印度Trinamool国会党赢得选举。



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