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Hearing the Voice of Citizens in Smart City Design: The CitiVoice Framework


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In the last few years, smart cities have attracted considerable attention because they are considered a response to the complex challenges that modern cities face. However, smart cities often do not optimally reach their objectives if the citizens, the end-users, are not involved in their design. The aim of this paper is to provide a framework to structure and evaluate citizen participation in smart cities. By means of a literature review from different research areas, the relevant enablers of citizen participation are summarized and bundled in the proposed CitiVoice framework. Then, following the design science methodology, the content and the utility of CitiVoice are validated through the application to different smart cities and through in-depth interviews with key Belgian smart city stakeholders. CitiVoice is used as an evaluation tool for several Belgian smart cities allowing drawbacks and flaws in citizens' participation to be discovered and analyzed. It is also demonstrated how CitiVoice can act as a governance tool for the ongoing smart city design of Namur (Belgium) to help define the citizen participation strategy. Finally, it is used as a comparison and creativity tool to compare several cities and design new means of participation.
机译:在过去的几年中,智慧城市吸引了相当多的关注,因为它们被认为是对现代城市面临的复杂挑战的回应。但是,如果市民(最终用户)不参与设计,那么智慧城市通常无法最佳地实现其目标。本文的目的是提供一个框架,以结构化和评估公民对智慧城市的参与。通过来自不同研究领域的文献综述,总结了公民参与的相关促成因素,并将其捆绑在拟议的CitiVoice框架中。然后,按照设计科学方法论,通过将CitiVoice应用于不同的智能城市并与比利时关键的智能城市利益相关者进行深入访谈,来验证CitiVoice的内容和实用性。 CitiVoice用作几个比利时智慧城市的评估工具,可以发现和分析公民参与的弊端和不足。还演示了CitiVoice如何充当正在进行的那慕尔(比利时)智能城市设计的治理工具,以帮助定义公民参与策略。最后,它被用作比较和创造力工具来比较多个城市并设计新的参与方式。



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