首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Mathematical Biology >In Vivo Simulation of Human Pharmacokinetics in the Rabbit

In Vivo Simulation of Human Pharmacokinetics in the Rabbit


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The evaluation of drugs in vivo is often based on experimental models using small animals such as mice, rats and rabbits. However, these models could be improved to correspond more closely to the human situation if the pharmacokinetics of the drugs tested in animals were similar to that observed in humans. The use of a computer-controlled pump allowing an adequate flow of tobramycin and amikacin to be infused into rabbits enabled us to simulate the human pharmacokinetics of" these antibiotics in vivo in this study. The function defining the rate of infusion required to perform the simulation of an intravenous bolus was first determined generally and symbolically for linear pharmacokinetic models independently from the number of compartments involved. The practical simulation of a decreasing monoexponential serum profile with a half-life of 2 h (one-compartment model for the human pharmacokinetics of aminoglycosides) was then studied for tobramycin and amikacin on the basis of a two-compartment model in the animal. The kinetics obtained had an apparent elimination half-life of 1.97 and 1.86 h, respectively. Linearity of the semilogarithmic regressions of the profiles obtained was quite sound. Finally, an a posteriori analysis of the pharmacokinetic model and its parameters is proposed on the basis of the results obtained after simulation.
机译:体内药物的评估通常基于使用小型动物(例如小鼠,大鼠和兔子)的实验模型。但是,如果在动物体内测试的药物的药代动力学与在人体内观察到的相似,则可以改进这些模型以使其更符合人类的情况。使用计算机控制的泵允许向兔体内注入足够量的妥布霉素和丁胺卡那霉素,使我们能够在本研究中模拟“这些抗生素”的人体药代动力学。该函数定义了进行模拟所需的输注速率首先一般地和象征性地确定线性药代动力学模型的静脉推注的剂量,独立于所涉及的隔室的数目。半衰期为2 h的单指数递减的血清分布的实际模拟(一种氨基葡萄糖苷类人药代动力学模型) ),然后在动物的两室模型的基础上研究妥布霉素和丁胺卡那霉素的动力学,表观消除半衰期分别为1.97和1.86 h,所获得曲线的半对数线性关系相当线性最后,提出了药代动力学模型及其参数的后验分析。仿真后获得的结果的基础。



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