首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment >Monitoring of surface deformation in a low coherence area using distributed scatterers InSAR: case study in the Xiaolangdi Basin of the Yellow River, China

Monitoring of surface deformation in a low coherence area using distributed scatterers InSAR: case study in the Xiaolangdi Basin of the Yellow River, China


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The Xiaolangdi Basin of the Yellow River, located between Mengjin County and Jiyuan City in Henan Province, is composed of a reservoir, a barrage dam, flood discharge buildings, and a water diversion and power generation system, among which, the Xiaolangdi project is the only control project in the lower reaches of the Yellow River that has a large storage capacity. In this study, distributed scatterers InSAR (DS-InSAR) deformation analysis was used to process 27 images of ESA Sentinel-1A data for the period between September 10, 2018, and July 19, 2019. Using the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) to select the statistical homogeneous pixels (SHP) and the eigenvalue decomposition method to optimize the interference phase, the time series surface deformation of the study area was obtained. The results showed that the maximum deformation rate in the study area was - 40.71 mm/year, the maximum deformation rate of the Xiaolangdi project was - 10.09 mm/year, and the larger deformation rates in the area around the Xiaolangdi Reservoir were mostly within the range - 35 to - 20 mm/year. Furthermore, small baseline subset (SBAS) InSAR and DS-InSAR are used for verification and analysis, and the monitoring results have high consistency. Therefore, to sum up, the time series deformation of low coherence areas may be monitored using DS-InSAR.
机译:黄河的萧兰迪盆地位于河南省梦金县和济源市之间,由水库,堰坝,洪水排放建筑和流电和发电系统组成,其中,小朗迪项目是只有储存容量大的黄河下游的控制项目。在这项研究中,分布式散射仪insar(DS-Insar)变形分析用于在2018年9月10日和2019年7月19日期间的期间处理ESA Sentinel-1A数据的27个图像。使用广义似然比测试(GLRT)为了选择统计均匀像素(SHP)和特征值分解方法以优化干扰阶段,获得了研究区域的时间序列表面变形。结果表明,研究面积的最大变形率为-40.71毫米/年,小浪迪项目的最大变形率为 - 10.09毫米/年,萧兰迪水库周围地区的变形率大部分内部范围 - 35至 - 20毫米/年。此外,小基线子集(SBAS)insar和DS-Insar用于验证和分析,监测结果具有高一致性。因此,总结,可以使用DS-Insar监测低相干区域的时间序列变形。



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