首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena >Band-dispersion-originated photoelectron intensity oscillations during Si epitaxial growth on Si(100)

Band-dispersion-originated photoelectron intensity oscillations during Si epitaxial growth on Si(100)


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The photoelectron intensities from the surface states on Si(100) periodically oscillate during Si growth and that oscillation is associated with the alternation between the 2 x 1 and the 1 x 2 surface reconstructions [Y.Enta et al., Surf. Sci. 313(1994)L797]. For clarifying the origin of the oscillation in more detail, angle-resolved-ultraviolet-photoelectron-spectroscopy measurements for both Si(100)2 x 1 and 1 x 2 clean surfaces have been performed. As a result, it was found that the photoelectron intensity oscillations on Si(100) arise from the difference in the surface band dispersions between the 2 x 1 and the 1 x 2 clean surfaces.
机译:Si(100)上来自表面态的光电子强度在Si生长过程中周期性地振荡,并且该振荡与2 x 1和1 x 2表面重建之间的交替有关[Y.Enta等,Surf。科学313(1994)L797]。为了更详细地阐明振荡的起因,已经对Si(100)2 x 1和1 x 2清洁表面进行了角分辨紫外光电子能谱测量。结果,发现Si(100)上的光电子强度振荡是由2×1和1×2清洁表面之间的表面带分散度的差异引起的。



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